In addition to regular Christian Formation classes for adults, we have safely resumed our Christian Formation classes for youth during our 10AM worship service. Activity boxes are also available for use during our worship services.
Our Sonshine Sunday program for youth age 3 through third grade currently meets during our 10AM worship service in Room 306 following the Children’s Time in the Sanctuary. Through art, dramatic readings, crafts, music, storytelling, dance, and puppet shows, youth learn about God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as well as Their love for humanity while studying familiar Bible stories.
During the summer, our Sonshine Sunday program features a nature-based curriculum, where all ages come together for a variety of classroom and outdoor adventures. Look out for information on our 2024 program in the Spring!
To view/join our Sonshine Sunday Facebook group, please Click Here!
Our ROOTED in Faith program for grades 4-8 meets Sunday mornings at 9:55 AM in Rm 308 and exposes youth to more rigorous Bible study and Bible literacy, using age-appropriate teaching and learning strategies designed to be welcoming for all learners. Each class begins with snacks and community-building activities, as well as a Jeopardy-style review of what we learned the class before. Students gain a deeper understanding of the Bible and its characters. while exploring what its stories have to teach us about living a Christian life in the 21st century.
Want to know more about what ROOTED is like? Here’s a sampling of what youth who participate in this program have to say about it:
◦ Know that children are loved by God and by the Church community.
◦ Build sense of community with Church family
◦ Present Biblical stories using drama, art, and music
◦ Introduce prayer
◦ Introduce UCC sacraments, especially Baptism
◦ Learn Bible verses and discuss meaning
◦ Encourage participation role play with Bible stories
◦ Participate in pair and group activities. Cooperative play.
◦ Exploration of the Bible. Explore technology to access the Bible.
◦ Exploration of UCC sacraments.
◦ Explain and participate in nature of worship.
◦ Discuss UCC symbols.
◦ Encourage writing and creating for Worship.
◦ Hands-on exploration of the Bible.
◦ Objectives (Goals) of current curriculum – ROOTED in Faith – An in-depth, age-appropriate, intellectually engaging, hands-on program in faith formation for our 4th-8th grade youth, where they will explore new parts of the Bible and their Judeo-Christian faith heritage in depth, while building a solid peer community that will draw them into fellowship with one another.
◦ To create focused, experiential opportunities for the confirmands.
◦ Monthly gatherings. This may happen via Zoom based on participants.
◦ Participation in worship services with reflection sheets to be completed and many opportunities to be involved by taking a role
◦ Relationship building with another trusted adult of the congregation through a mentoring relationship with questions to be discussed and activities done together.
◦ Experiencing the faith and worship practices of other churches.
◦ Encouraging our youth to take advantage of fellowship and mission opportunities within the congregation or community as a way to begin to shift to being an adult member of the congregation.
◦ Please consider joining us Monday mornings at 9:30AM in our Parlor room for a bible study. This bible study is led by Cindy Kahler, for more information email
◦ This in person, ecumenical bible study is held in the Burkholder Chapel of Homestead Village. It is open to homestead residents and non-residents seeking to grow in faith and discipleship. Bring a Bible and your curiosity.
◦ Currently led by Les Helmeczi and Mark Achtermann. To register for this Bible Study please email