Compost Wagon: Place decomposable items in the Compost Wagon located near the fence by the West Wing tiller. Processed compost enriches the soil of our Seeds of Hope Garden.
Aluminum Cans: Deposit cans in the receptacle near the lower door to the Youth Center. Funds from recycling these cans support various church projects, such as the fountain in Rader Park.
Soda Tabs: Collect soda tabs and recycle them to benefit the Ronald McDonald House and Hoffman Home. Tabs can be placed in the closet in the Coat Room.
Energy Conservation: We are gradually replacing light bulbs with energy-efficient alternatives to save energy.
Saturday Morning Breakfast Ministry: Volunteers at our monthly breakfast at First Reformed in Lancaster recycle cardboard, Styrofoam, and plastic, feed animals with discarded food, and bring coffee grounds and eggshells to our Compost Wagon.
Postage Stamps: Drop used stamps in the office to support Wounded Veterans.
Non-Perishable Food Items: Place donations in the box near our Food Bank in the West Wing.
Rader Park: Enjoy and help maintain Rader Park, our green space dedicated to environmental education and recreation. It’s a perfect place for community gatherings, nature walks, and fostering a deeper connection with God’s creation.