The 13th anniversary of the Lancaster-Lebanon Handbell Festival will take place Saturday, March 12, 2016 at Church of the Apostles UCC (1850 Marietta Ave, Lancaster, PA). Sixteen bell choirs will ring during this event, including a special appearance by Bell Amis under the artistic direction of Ron Bellamy. Bell Amis is an elite ensemble made up of some of the best handbell ringers in southeastern Pennsylvania. Bell Amis will perform “The Shepherd’s Dream” composed by the festival clinician Alan Reese, musical director of Virginia Handbell Consort, a clinician and massed conductor at local and Area 2 and 3 events, and former Associate Conductor for Distinctly Bronze in 2015. He is also a member of the faculty for the Department of Visual and Performing Arts/Division of Music at Norfolk State University. The public concert portion of this festival will take place at 3 pm and a good-will offering will be received. For more information about attending the concert, please contact Jeff Clouser, Festival Coordinator at