Church Leaders

The church council leaders and commission chairs are listed below. Please click on their name for contact information and when meetings are held.

Lou Gaudioso

Vice President
Karen Braun

Johanna Baker

Cathy Kenlin

Education Commission Chair
Judy Waltman

Commission Meetings: Second Monday of the Month at 6:30PM in Room 305

Coordinates educational opportunities throughout the church. Programs for all ages and backgrounds are developed to nurture spiritual growth, deepen wisdom, and empower individuals towards lives of wholeness and healing.

Worship Commission Chair
Bernie Fickes

Commission Meetings: First Monday of the Month at 6:30PM in the Choir Room

Worship Commission is the primary evangelical entity and develops means and methods to praise and glorify God through worship. This Commission gives guidance for the planning of worship services and provides opportunities for persons to use their spiritual gifts and talents to assist in the worship services.

Parish Life Commission Chairs
Clara Kosmela & Louise Zabel

Commission Meetings: Second Monday of the Month at 7PM at Louise Zabel’s Home

The Parish Life commission cares for members of the body of Church of the Apostles and promotes connections with members by planning activities to foster this. Examples of this – intergenerational activities and the hospitality table.

Property Commission Chair
Thomas Weaver

Commission Meetings: Second Monday of the Month at 7PM in the Parlor

Property Commission is tasked with taking care of all church buildings and land. This would include the church, youth center, farm house, Rader park and the barn. We make sure that everything is in working order, up to code and repair anything that would need repaired or replaced. We also work with other commissions regarding additions or upgrades that are needed or asked for to make the church safe and welcoming for members, staff and visitors.

Stewardship Commission Chair
George Alspach

Commission Meetings: Second Thursday of the Month at 7PM in Room 304

Stewardship Commission serves the Congregation by promoting generous stewardship practices and by providing oversight of the Church’s finances.  The Commission chairperson is selected by the Commission. The Commission reports to the Council, and to the congregation at least annually through a written report. The Commission works to plan and carry out a year-round promotion of stewardship, including, at least annually, campaigns for pledges of time, talents, and financial contributions to the church. Planned Giving efforts include promotion of gifts from one’s estate. Instruments of planned giving may include wills, various forms of trusts, annuities and insurance policies as well as outright gifts of money, securities or property.

Outreach Commission Chair
Jane McCartney

Commission Meetings: Second Monday of every other month at 7PM in Parlor

The Outreach Commission is a very active group that supports the many needs of our community and beyond. Year round we collect donations of food, personal supplies and home care supplies for those in need. Throughout the year we collect donations for various ministries in our Apostles Caring Carts. These collections change about every two months. Our Seeds of Hope garden provides food to local food banks and the Power Pack program. Outreach also “advertises” all of the Special Offerings throughout the year and makes certain that the monetary donations go to the intended recipients. Globally we have supported refugees from several countries, students attending schools In Honduras, the Philippines, and Kenya, and victims of national disasters such as floods and hurricanes. Our mission is to feed the hungry spiritually and physically.