
Loves Acts

Let me begin by saying that this was one of the hardest sermons I have

Reflecting the Nature of God

Whenever we hear the words from first chapter of Genesis, we think about the master

Who Is Our Neighbor?

This week, I received an email from the Lancaster County Food Hub, which seemed like

Challenging Us

This story, often called the story of the Syrophoenician woman, is one of the many

Where Is Our Attention?

As I was thinking about our theme that love accepts, I thought about 1 Corinthians


This is the first Sunday in this series called Linked By Love, where we are

Where Are You, God?

As I was sitting down to think about this sermon, the words that came to

Catching People?

When I approach scripture, I usually look for what is it that catches my eye,

Promised Land

In the past two weeks we have had the opportunity to see some of the

Being Brave

This is probably one of those stories that almost everyone, whether they’re in church or
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