
Being Brave

This is probably one of those stories that almost everyone, whether they’re in church or

What Is Our Famine?

Last fall, we affirmed our vision and mission, and one of the pieces of that

God of Abundance

I first want to revisit a moment that we had last week when Jonathan was

Planting Seeds

The scriptures for today are actually a sermon I preached last week. Maybe I’ll just

A New Earth

This summer season, we are focused on the environment. This is a part of our

Untied or United

The scripture text for our contemporary words this morning is this, “That they may be

Valuing Creation

A good friend suggested that I create this sermon as a sermon for my granddaughter,

Take Notice

During the Bosnian War back in the late 90s, the Serbs had completely surrounded Sarajevo

Yours, Mine, & Ours

If you have been in the church for a while, then you recognize that today

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Testimony is a word that we don’t use a lot. Testimony is what the evangelicals
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