As a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, we recognize baptism as a sacrament that Jesus introduced to us, and believe that baptism unites us as Christ’s followers. We baptize infants, children, youth, and adults as part of our worship services.
In baptism, you become a part of the church family – you are never alone.
Click on the drop-down menu below for more information on arrangements for baptism into the Christian faith at Church of the Apostles:
The sacrament of baptism is based on the life and ministry of Jesus made known to us through the gospel writers. Jesus was baptized in the Jordan by John the Baptizer and in the process was revealed as the Messiah, God’s beloved Son. We become members of the body of Christ, the Christian church, as we participate in the act of baptism. Our willingness to participate is a sign of our willingness to become disciples of Jesus. Through this sacrament, we are named children of God and receive the grace of forgiveness which removes all sin, allowing us to unite with God and one another. Baptism is about dying to the self and rising to new life in Jesus Christ.
In Matthew’s gospel, Jesus said to the disciples, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you. And remember, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” – Matthew 28:18-20
In Paul’s letter to the Galatians he wrote: “For in Christ Jesus you are all children of God through faith. As many of you as were baptized into Christ Jesus have clothed yourself with Christ. There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.” —Galatians 3:26-28
The sacrament of baptism is an outward and visible sign of the grace of God. Through baptism a person is joined with the universal church, the body of Christ. In baptism, God works in us the power of forgiveness, the renewal of the spirit, and the knowledge of the call to be God’s people always.
Baptism with water and the Holy Spirit is the sign and seal of our common discipleship. Since baptism is God’s gift, the Holy Spirit is called to be upon the water and those being baptized. The act of baptism also marks the beginning of new life of discipleship with Christ, the human response to that gift.
Water is an essential element of baptism. Water is a prominent symbol of cleansing and life in the Bible—the water of creation, the great flood, the liberation of Israel through the sea, the water of Mary’s womb, the baptism of Jesus in the Jordan River, the woman at the well, and Jesus’ washing of the feet of the disciples. That is why water is visibly present in the service. In the United Church of Christ, the mode of baptism is a matter of choice. Some traditions use sprinkling, some pouring, and some immersion.
Infants, children, youth and adults. For infants and children, as well as for youth and adults who have never been baptized before, baptism marks their acceptance into the care of Christ’s church, the sign and seal of God’s grace and forgiveness, and the beginning of their Christian faith and life.
We recognize the validity of all baptisms, therefore there is no need for re-baptism. If there is a question about whether baptism has taken place, a conditional phrase may be added as a person is baptized, such as “if you are not already baptized.” It is a well-accepted practice, however, for people to renew their baptismal vows in a service of baptismal renewal, such as the Order for Renewal of Baptism in the UCC Book of Worship.
Baptism is a personal celebration in the lives of the individual candidates and their families. It is also a celebration within the local church family and recognition of its commitment. For this reason, baptism is celebrated in the presence of the community gathered for worship. If circumstances require baptism to take place outside of corporate worship, members of the local church, if possible, may participate in the ceremony with the pastor. In urgent circumstances, such as imminent death, any Christian may perform the baptism.
Baptism may take place at any worship service where the community is gathered. In the early Christian church, the season of Lent was used as the final period for the preparation of candidates. In the scriptures that are read during the seasons from Advent up to Easter, there are many texts that teach the faith and point toward baptism. The pastor will work with the family to choose a Sunday appropriate for the congregation and the family.
Parents, in consultation with the pastor, may choose sponsors or Godparents for infants and young children who are to be baptized. Other candidates for baptism may also be given this opportunity to have sponsors. At the time of the baptismal service, the sponsors, who accompany the candidates and present them for baptism, will make promises identical to the promises of the parents concerning their role.
The Book of Worship of the United Church of Christ provides an Order for Baptism and orders for Affirmation of Baptism. The recognition of our baptism by the ecumenical church is important to us, and the Book of Worship encourages the use of language recognized in most Christian churches: “I baptize you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.”
We rejoice at Church of the Apostles in celebrating services of marriage. We welcome members as well as non-members to be married in our Sanctuary, in Rader Park, or elsewhere on the grounds of our campus. Click Here for more information on planning your wedding ceremony at Church of the Apostles.
We welcome the opportunity to plan with you a Christian wedding and to help guide you in preparation for marriage. At Church of the Apostles, we welcome non-members as well as members to be married in our Sanctuary.
Marriage is a gift of God, a gift to be embraced joyfully. Your wedding is an occasion to worship God in thanksgiving and prayer for divine love. The forming of a marriage covenant, as numerous passages in the Bible testify, is not merely a human agreement but a bond sanctified by God.
If you are not an active member of a church, now is the time to explore membership in a church. We welcome you to do that with Church of the Apostles. Establishing a regular pattern of worship is an important part of marriage. Every family needs a spiritual foundation in order to grow in love.
We look forward to a series of counseling and planning sessions prior to your wedding. In addition to informing you of the rules, fees and procedures that apply, we will help you shape your wedding service and prepare yourselves for the lifelong commitment of marriage.
May God bless you during these very special days of your life together.
The essence of marriage is a covenanted commitment that has its foundation in the faithfulness of God’s love.
The marriage ceremony is the glad occasion on which two people unite as husband and wife in the mutual exchange of covenant promises. The pastor acts as an official representative of the church and gives the marriage the church’s blessing. The congregation joins in affirming the marriage and in offering support and thanksgiving for the new family.
It is the responsibility of the pastor to meet with the couple prior to the marriage ceremony in order to counsel them concerning the Christian understanding of the marriage relationship.
Congregational participation, ethnic traditions, and local customs may be taken into consideration when planning the Order for Marriage. The pastor may invite the couple to share in the writing and planning of the service. A Christian marriage ceremony is a service of worship offered to God. Family and friends of the couple may be invited to share the leadership of the service by reading scripture, by offering prayers, or in other ways.
Music plays a significant role in the wedding service, setting a tone of reverence and celebration.
Selection of wedding music is done in consultation with the Organist/Director of Music Ministries who normally serves for the wedding. An appointment with the Organist/Director of Music Ministries should be made when the wedding is scheduled.
A 20-minute prelude usually accompanies the seating of guests. The couple may wish to include other instruments such as trumpet or strings in addition to the organ. Vocal solos and the singing of hymns by the congregation may also be part of the service. The organist will be able to assist in arranging for other musicians.
Since the wedding is a service of worship, the music should bring glory to God who sanctifies marriage. Our church is committed to helping couples choose music that reflects the sacredness of their wedding. The Christian church’s vast repertory of sacred music, which includes many styles and traditions, is the most important source of music for weddings. Often a couple will have a special love song in mind; an excellent time to feature such a song is at the rehearsal dinner or reception.
Church musicians’ fees are charged according to the American Guild of Organist’s guidelines. Other musicians may set their fees according to Musicians’ Union guidelines.
Please remember that this church is, above all, a house of worship. Accordingly, the church has rules which pertain to the use of the Sanctuary property. The wedding couple should inform all participants of these rules:
We rejoice at Church of the Apostles to celebrate services of marriage. We welcome non-members as well as members to be married in the Sanctuary.
Note: All fees are due at or before the wedding rehearsal.
Church of the Apostles would like to help and comfort you during your time of loss. Church of the Apostles is available for funerals and memorial services of both members and visitors. In addition to services in our church sanctuary, we also conduct memorial services in our Memorial Garden. See below for more information on planning a funeral or memorial service at Church of the Apostles.
Church of the Apostles would like to help and comfort you during your time of loss. Upon the death of a family member, a pastor should be notified as soon as possible so that we may aid you as we can.
Church of the Apostles is available for funerals and memorial services of both members and visitors. We also hold memorial services in our Memorial Garden. One of the pastors will handle the details of either service with you, with your wishes being of paramount importance.
A pastor of Church of the Apostles will plan and officiate at all memorial services and funerals held in the church. Additionally, another pastor may assist. Family, friends or appropriate others are invited to share in the service. Click Here to see a funeral service outline
The Organist/Director of Music Ministries of Church of the Apostles plans music appropriate for a worship service in consultation with the pastor and the family.
The Organist/Director of Music Ministries usually plays at memorial services or funerals, unless other arrangements are made through the Director of Music Ministries.
Flowers in the Sanctuary should be tastefully arranged, with final approval by the pastor. Additional flower arrangements may be placed in the Narthex (lobby). Other decorations must be approved by the pastor.
The casket, if present, will be covered by a pall owned by Church of the Apostles. Viewings may precede the funeral service, if desired, in the Parlor. An arrangement of flowers may be placed on top of the casket. Any other casket coverings or arrangements must be approved by the pastor. The casket remains closed during worship.
Funeral/memorial service bulletins can be prepared in the church office or by the funeral home — the choice is yours. Please let the pastor know your decision. The pastor will also determine the order of service with you. (The church office will prepare for no additional cost.)
The Funeral Reception Volunteers of Church of the Apostles are available to provide a reception for members of the church after a funeral or memorial service. Their services include ordering food, set up and clean up. Menu options are available, at cost. If you are interested in holding a reception at the church, please contact the church office.
A courtyard with a garden-like atmosphere for meditation, study, and worship is available. The courtyard includes a memorial garden for the interment of the cremated remains of the deceased. If interested, please Click Here for the Memorial Garden brochure, or Click Here to download a copy of the application form.
A guest book, provided by the family, may be placed on our guest book table in the Narthex (lobby).
Photographs or other memorabilia may be displayed on a table in the Narthex (lobby), or in other locations as approved by the pastor.
The fees for use of Church of the Apostles and its staff are listed below. We request that all fees be paid prior to the service to Church of the Apostles.