Special Services

Let Church of the Apostles UCC be a part of every stage of yours and your loved ones’ lives. From baptisms marking the beginning of the Christian journey, to weddings officiated by our pastors, and funerals honoring the lives of those we cherish, we are here for you at every step.


As a member congregation of the United Church of Christ, we recognize baptism as a sacrament that Jesus introduced to us, and believe that baptism unites us as Christ’s followers. We baptize infants, children, youth, and adults as part of our worship services.

In baptism, you become a part of the church family – you are never alone.

Click on the drop-down menu below for more information on arrangements for baptism into the Christian faith at Church of the Apostles:

  • If you’d like to contact the pastors about performing a baptism, Click Here.
  • If you’ve already spoken to the pastoral staff about a baptism, Click Here for the form you’ll need to complete before the service when the baptism will occur.



We rejoice at Church of the Apostles in celebrating services of marriage. We welcome members as well as non-members to be married in our Sanctuary, in Rader Park, or elsewhere on the grounds of our campus. Click Here for more information on planning your wedding ceremony at Church of the Apostles.

  • To download a PDF document of our Weddings brochure, Click Here. Or click on the drop-down menu below for more information:

Funerals and Memorial Services

Church of the Apostles would like to help and comfort you during your time of loss. Church of the Apostles is available for funerals and memorial services of both members and visitors. In addition to services in our church sanctuary, we also conduct memorial services in our Memorial Garden. See below for more information on planning a funeral or memorial service at Church of the Apostles.

  • To download a PDF document of our Funerals & Memorial Services brochure, Click Here.
  • To download a PDF document on interment in our Memorial Garden, Click Here.
  • If you’d like to contact the pastors about performing a funeral or memorial service, Click Here.
  • Or click on the drop-down menu below for more information on each section: