Tag: Compassionate Justice

It’s All About Grace

We needed to begin by defining what we mean by Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace. We may not all understand these concepts in the same way. Forgiveness is the act

True Change is Bottom Up

In the last months, but particularly the last several weeks, I’ve heard a real sense of overwhelming. Things are changing and we don’t like change to begin with. It

Not What We Want to Hear

What brought you to church today? And I don’t mean your car or your spouse. You had a lot of other choices this morning and maybe going out for

The Gift of Freedom

On April 16th of 1963, the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was in jail in Birmingham, and he wrote a letter to his fellow clergy colleagues, which became

The Economy of Jesus

You might wonder what the Economy of Jesus is and I’m gonna get into that. This series we’re gonna look at will take us through February. I want to

The Light of the World

This is Epiphany Sunday. Technically tomorrow is Epiphany. It is always on January 6th. It is the 12th day of Christmas. If you know the song, 12 days of

Humility Before God

When I think about Humility, this verse always comes to my mind, “To act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 They’re the

The Challenge of Waiting

On this second Sunday of Advent, we’re talking about waiting. I’m wondering, how well do you wait? Think of the places and times you’ve had to wait. How good

Hope for Creation

This is our week to begin this period of waiting and watching. This period is where we look for what new thing is God doing in this world. How

The Beloved Community

I would like us to think about what God’s love looks like. How does that feel if you had to describe God’s love? What would you say about it?