Tag: Inclusive Refuge

Love is Love: Free Showing of “The Grove”

Join us as we celebrate Pride Month at Church of the Apostles UCC! On Sunday, June 30th, we’ll cap off the festivities with a free screening of “The Grove,”

Always Room

I want to go back to that first scripture (1 John 4:7-13) about love because a lot of times when we talk about love, I think we’re a little

Shepherding Our Lives

This image of Jesus as the good Shepherd is one that I think we really love. I think it’s one of those beloved things. So I did choose a

What Does It Mean To Be Family?

What does it mean that we call ourselves family in the church? I’m wondering what ideas you had. The children said they’re people that you love and care for,

Saved By Love

If you came today for a feel good sermon, you picked the wrong day. If you came hoping that there would be a lot of images, because I usually

A New Time

Today starts A New Time. In the church year, it’s the season of Lent, which the church has often made a time of giving up, encouraging us to, to