Tag: John

True Change is Bottom Up

In the last months, but particularly the last several weeks, I’ve heard a real sense of overwhelming. Things are changing and we don’t like change to begin with. It

The Beloved Community

I would like us to think about what God’s love looks like. How does that feel if you had to describe God’s love? What would you say about it?

Freedom, Truth & Reality

Sermon by Rev. Craig Ross This is a time of the year when we often think a lot about the word freedom, right? Elections are a corporate event that

Reflecting the Nature of God

Whenever we hear the words from first chapter of Genesis, we think about the master plan of God’s creativity out of chaos, out of an ugly world of nothing.

Untied or United

The scripture text for our contemporary words this morning is this, “That they may be one as you father are in me and I am in you, may they

Yours, Mine, & Ours

If you have been in the church for a while, then you recognize that today is Pentecost Sunday. Pentecost is the 50th day following Easter. The normal Pentecost reading

Blessed to Be a Blessing

Testimony is a word that we don’t use a lot. Testimony is what the evangelicals do. Those people that we don’t want to be. That’s what the white protestant

Always Room

I want to go back to that first scripture (1 John 4:7-13) about love because a lot of times when we talk about love, I think we’re a little

Shepherding Our Lives

This image of Jesus as the good Shepherd is one that I think we really love. I think it’s one of those beloved things. So I did choose a

What Does It Mean To Be Family?

What does it mean that we call ourselves family in the church? I’m wondering what ideas you had. The children said they’re people that you love and care for,