Tag: Matthew

A Life of Delight

As I was considering our theme of “Cultivating a Life of Delight”, I was curious about the difference between delight and joy. I Googled it and AI says that

A Life of Curiosity

Our theme today is “Cultivating a Life of Curiosity.“ As much as I thought about that, I could not get myself past the show, Ted Lasso on Apple TV.

A Life of Wonder

Today is the first Sunday of Lent, the first Sunday where we are “Cultivating a Sense of Awe and Wonder.” Lent is always a time of reflection where we

It’s All About Grace

We needed to begin by defining what we mean by Forgiveness, Mercy and Grace. We may not all understand these concepts in the same way. Forgiveness is the act

Humility Before God

When I think about Humility, this verse always comes to my mind, “To act justly, love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” – Micah 6:8 They’re the

Become Like a Child

As I said our theme for Advent will be “Through the Eyes of a Child”, where we’ll focus on the awe and the wonder. Because as I listen, I

Loves Acts

Let me begin by saying that this was one of the hardest sermons I have given in a very long time because it does not support my theology. When