Wacky Wednesdays

Again this summer, we will be holding Wacky Wednesdays at beautiful Rader Park for four Wednesdays in July. Dates will be July 5, 12, 19, and 26, with a special visit on Wednesday, Aug. 2, from Lisa Sanchez, Lancaster County Park Naturalist. Register through the QR code or Click Here!

Times for the sessions will be 10:00 – 11:30, with stories, crafts, games, and nature walks highlighting the theme, “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands!”  Registration information will be sent out in June. WW is offered to children ages 3 – 10, with parent or guardian supervision. If you would be willing to volunteer for any of the weeks as a craft helper or game leader, please contact Linda Lewis at LLewis103@comcast.net.
