Week of April 30, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Adult Sunday School
Join us today for the White Privilege: Let’s Talk—A Resource for Transformational Dialogue series in the Parlor from 12:30-2:00 pm. The series will continue on Sundays through May 28. If you are still interested in attending, please speak to Pastor Kathy Kuhn…there is probably more than enough food for lunch. All are welcome to join us for a discussion about the privileges some of us experience.

Vacation Bible School Meeting
A VBS meeting will be held on Tuesday, May 2 at 7 pm in room 304. Join us as we plan for this year’s series Digging for Treasure (June 18-22) in Rader Park.

Missionary Support
Missionary support this month is for CEVER (The Center for Evangelical and Reformed Vocational Education) in Honduras. It is important for the young people there to be educated and trained for jobs. A one-month scholarship is $25, and $600 covers a whole year. This is quite a bargain.

Youth Center Clean-up!
We are gearing up to make some significant improvements to the Youth Center this summer, and our first task is to clean out and sort through things that have been left there over the years. The youth and other groups that use the space will be having two clean-up days: Saturday, May 6 and 13 from 9 am—2 pm. We would love to see you there!

Seeds of Hope Garden
Part of the garden is planted. We will be there Tuesday mornings at 9 am, Friday evenings at 7 pm, and after the 9:15 am service on Sundays. Come visit the garden!

Academy Recitals
Three of our Academy Studios will be having separate recitals in May and you are invited to attend:

  • May 6 at 10 am: String and piano students of Jessica Kashetta
  • May 7 at 3 pm: Flute students of Morgann Davis
  • May 13 at 2 pm: Piano students of Eldonna Filardi

Apostles Baseball
The 2017 Apostles Baseball Schedule is available at the Welcome Center for anyone who may want a copy.

Save the Date
Lifetouch Photography will be at Church of the Apostles on:

  • October 16 – October 20: 1-8 pm
  • October 21: 9 am – 4 pm

to take photos for a new mobile church directory. You will also be able to take individual/family portraits during this time. Photos are expected to be delivered before Christmas. More information will follow shortly.

