Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, macaroni & cheese, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, and tuna.
Volunteers Needed
We are in need of a few more volunteers for our worship videos. If you have a story to share about the following theme, please contact Pastor Kathy Kuhn:
- September 4 – Our Sense of Taste
Lunch with the Pastors
An informal lunch and conversation with Rev. Kuhn and Rev. Giffen will be held on the third Sunday of each month following the second service in the Parlor—the first of which will be held on Sunday, September 18. It is our hope to enhance communication within the congregation, continue to develop our sense of community, and provide time for members to get to know Rev. Giffen on a personal level. Our Executive Committee kindly requests an RSVP for those wishing to attend to judge the amount of food needed. Please contact the church office at (717) 392-5718.
Harvest Home
Each year, we celebrate the bounty of the harvest by giving a portion of it to those who are less fortunate. We ask our church family to bring nonperishable food to place at the altar on Harvest Home Sunday—September 11. Monetary gifts may be placed into your special envelope for Harvest Home/Food Bank and placed into the collection plate. These donations will be distributed to Lancaster County Council of Churches, Hempfield Food Bank, and our own food pantry at Church of the Apostles, which supports Apostles Assistance. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Schock at (717) 569-3837.
Wishing Well
The Wishing Well is continuing to collect personal and home care supplies for the Apostle’s Assistance Fund. Pastor Kuhn is getting an increasing number of requests for such items. Please consider helping those in need by taking a suggested item from one of the two posters hanging (one above the Well and one on the Outreach bulletin board in the Narthex) and donating that item to the collection. We will be collecting specifically for the Apostle’s Assistance Fund through the months of September and October. Thank you so much for your generous participation in this valuable ministry. Please see Jane McCartney if you have any questions concerning the Wishing Well.
Lancaster County Council of Churches Golf Tournament
LCCC is holding its 2nd annual TransFOREmation Golf Tournament on Friday, September 16 at 1 pm at Overlook Golf Course (2040 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601). The fee per golfer is $95 and includes a snack, meal, free practice balls, greens fee and cart. Appropriate golf attire is required. Registration and payment must be completed by August 31. For more information, please call (717) 690-8043.