Week of January 22, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Rader Park Informational Sessions
There is one more chance to hear about the Rader Park plans after service today. There is a presentation that is going on in the Parlor right now until 12:30 pm. Come join us and hear for yourself what everyone is talking about. If you were not able to attend any of the sessions, come set up a time with us for you to hear the presentation. We don’t want to leave anyone out of the loop.

Souper Bowl Sunday
Middle School and High School youth are invited to join us in the Fellowship Hall on Sunday, February 5 from 6-10:30 pm to enjoy the Super Bowl game, food, and activities. We are asking that each youth bring a bag of non-perishable food items for the COA Food Bank to support this ministry.

Becoming an Apostle
Today’s meeting will be held in the main lobby at 2 pm.

New Beginnings
Rid yourself of the winter blues and join us for a dessert social and bingo party on Thursday, February 9 at 1:00 pm in the Fellowship Hall. The cost is $2 per bingo card.

Valentine Ministry
It is tradition for our congregation to treat your young men and women who are in college, technical school, or the military on Valentine’s Day. If you have a son, daughter, or grandchild in college, or in the military, please call Linda Fuller at (717) 984-2717 to give her the names and addresses of these young people. We do not want to miss anyone on Valentine’s Day. The names received will be placed on the Valentine Tree in the Narthex within the next week. Choose a name from the tree and fill a “goodie” box with treats, a gift card, or whatever you would like, and send the box to the young person you have chosen. You will definitely help make someone’s day much brighter.

Garage Sale
Did you get a Christmas present that you don’t like or would never wear? If so, consider donating it to this year’s COA Garage Sale. If you haven’t started yet, it’s time to select a spot in your home where you can start putting items you want to donate to the Garage Sale. This year’s sale will be held after Easter on Friday, April 21 and Saturday, April 22. Please plan to donate your items from Monday, April 17 through Thursday, April 20. Help with preparation (unpacking, sorting, pricing, displaying) is also needed. We are also looking for a cashier on the days of the sale. We need help from everyone in one way or all ways! Please contact Clara Kosmela at (717) 569-9960 to volunteer. Thank you in advance for your help.

Silence Optional Concert
Duo Chiaroscuro will again be performing at Church of the Apostles on Saturday, January 28 at 11 am. Pianist Maria Thompson Corley and cellist Sara Male make their art available to people like Maria’s son, Malcom, who is usually denied access to her concerts, and like others on the autism spectrum, struggles to sit quietly for long periods of time. The Duo offers three-themed programs: Song & Dance, All About Feelings and The Great Outdoors. Each program is less than an hour with short breaks throughout. A free-will offering will be taken.

Service of Hope and Healing
A Service of Hope and Healing will be held at Church of the Apostles on Wednesday, February 8 at 7 pm. This service is open to everyone, especially those who might be going through a difficult time in life, or experiencing loss. It is our goal to create a worship  environment which allows everyone to feel that they are not alone during difficult times. We plan to host several of these services throughout the year. Please invite a friend you think might benefit from this service.

