Week of July 2, 2017

Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cold cereal, rice or rice helpers, pasta, crackers, dry soup, and canned items, including soups, fruits, beans, baked beans, tomatoes, and tuna.

Market Basket
During the first three Sundays of each month, you have the opportunity to buy grocery cards in the office after service. You can buy cards for the following month and pick up the ones you ordered last month. Remember, the discount we earn from purchasing cards in bulk from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis provide food for the Saturday Breakfast downtown once a month. Helping others is easy, as well as a wonderful thing!

Wishing Well
Sundays during the month of July are designated as Sweaty Sundays! Please participate by bringing new navy blue pullover sweatshirts (sizes 5T to young adult) to the Wishing Well. They will be donated to Martin Elementary School. Great places to purchase these are AC Moore, Michaels, Target, and Walmart. Thank you!

Sunday School
The children will be in Rader Park on Sunday, July 9. Please have them dress in clothing that you don’t mind getting dirty.

Wacky Wednesdays
Wacky Wednesdays continues on July 5 from 10-11 am in Rader Park with “Meet the Critters.” Please visit the Welcome Center for a detailed flyer.

Intergenerational Events
The Intergenerational Events Team is looking for new members. This committee plans and coordinates events involving all members of COA, including: Trunk or Treat, Pool Party at Homestead Village, Family Movie Night, Advent Workshop, and Vacation Bible School. Most of these events take only a small amount of time to plan and can even be planned via email. We are always open to new ideas. For more information contact Christa Conrad, Education Chair, at (717) 575-8210.

Support Our Campers!
This summer, we have several kids going to church camp at Hartman Center! It is a wonderful opportunity for our kids to meet new people, have fun, learn new skills, and grow in their faith. For us as a church family, it is also an opportunity to support our young people by sending a note to let them know that we are praying for their well-being and spiritual growth. If interested, send all mail (c/o their name) to: Hartman Center, 5725 Old US Hwy. 322, Milroy, PA 17063. Please see Rev. Giffen for names and more information.

Lifetouch Church Directory Photo Shoot
In September, COA will be providing both online and in-person sign ups in the Narthex for photo shoot appointments. As a reminder, Lifetouch will be at Church of the Apostles to take photos for our new mobile directory and individual/family photos on:

  • October 16 – October 20: 1-8 pm
  • October 21: 9 am – 4 pm

More information will follow closer to the dates.

Youth Center Update
We are now working toward the next phase of painting with the next set of work dates on July 8 from 9 am – 2 pm and July 22 from 2 – 7 pm. You are welcome to join us if you would like to help in guiding our youth with this stage of the project. If you have any gently used furniture that you would like to donate, please email Rev. Heather Giffen at heatherg@apostlesucc.org. Thank you for your support!

