Food Bank
Needs: Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Pat Aichele, Carol Horn, Louise Wagner
Join the Corn Party on Wednesday, August 19 beginning at 9 a.m.
Corn from our Seeds of Hope Garden will be picked and piled outside Fellowship Hall waiting to be husked, blanched, cut, and bagged. All are welcome to come and help get the corn ready to freeze. (Bring your favorite sharp knife). The corn will be used to make soup for our November 14th Bazaar. Questions? Call Doris Robb 393-7788.
Adult Education Survey
Attention All Adults: This is your final chance to complete the Adult Education survey. In order to serve you better, the Education Commission hopes that ALL adults in the congregation will take a few minutes to answer our survey. If you haven’t already submitted your responses, please do so today! You can fill out the insert in this week’s bulletin (then place in the offering plate or drop it off to the church office), or submit your responses online at We value your time and feedback, and we look forward to revising our adult education offerings to best suit the needs and interests of all adults in the congregation. Thank you for helping us to serve you better!
Upcoming Fall Schedule
Summer will soon come to a close, so we would like to update you on COA’s upcoming fall schedule:
- Children’s Sunday School – Will be held for:
* Preschool – Room 205
* Kindergarten – 2nd Grade – Room 215
* Grades 3-6 – Room 306
* Youth – each week between services in Room 304
- Adult Sunday School – is unknown at the time of this printing
- Children’s Choir – Room 310 at 6:00 pm beginning on 9/16
- Adult Choir – Room 111 at 7:00 pm beginning on 9/10
- Bell Choir—Sanctuary at 7:30 beginning on 9/15
LCCC Golf Tournament
Lancaster Council of Churches will be holding a golf tournament on Friday, September 11 at 1 p.m at Overlook Golf Course (2040 Lititz Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601). Proceeds from the tournament will help LCCC better provide services to residents of Lancaster; for every $10, LCCC is able to purchase 50 pounds of food for the hungry. The fee per golfer is $95, and each golfer receives light snacks, free practice balls at driving range, greens fee and cart, a chance for door prizes, team and individual prizes, and a meal. Registration and payment are due by August 31. For more information, please call Christine McLain at (717) 690-8049, or visit their website at
Choir Retreat
The 2015 Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, August 29 at the home of Al and Betsy Bischoff from 9:00am to noon. This is a great opportunity for each current choir member to bring along someone who is interested in becoming a choir member. Please attempt to find at least one person to bring to the retreat. This may be someone who is potentially a new church member or a current member seeking a way to enhance his or her Sunday worship. In addition, a corn roast, prepared by the Bischoffs, will follow all of Saturday’s events! There is a sign-up list posted in the choir room.