Week of August 30, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Bonnie Capcara, Paul Capcara, Audrey Markle

Suggestion Box
Don’t forget to let us know if you notice something today that should be repaired or replaced.  Write it down on the suggestion card while you’re here and drop it in the suggestion box on the wall beside the parlor. The Property Commission appreciates when our members notice something that needs our attention. Keeping our church attractive and safe is a job all of us can do together.

Harvest Home Sunday
Each year, we celebrate the bounty of the harvest by giving donations to help feed those in need. We ask our church family to bring nonperishable foods to place at the altar on Sunday, September 13th. Monetary gifts may be put into the Harvest Home/Food Bank special offering envelope and placed in the collection plate. Foods most needed are: cereal, peanut butter, canned fruits and vegetables, meat, pasta, rice, spaghetti sauce and soup. Please open your hearts and give generously. If you have any questions, please contact Linda Schock at (717) 569-3837.

Market Basket Anyone?
Would you like to give anywhere from $2.50 to $32.50 a month to help people who need support? That’s what people do when they buy grocery cards. The cards are given to non-profits (like churches) at a 5% discount. You pay the same amount for your groceries, but our Outreach Committee is able to use the discount to support programs like Saturday Morning Breakfast downtown and to purchase grocery cards for the Apostles Assistance Fund.

The cards come from Stauffers, Weis, and Giant. You can choose both the store you want and the amount of the card. Just come into the office after either the first or second service on the first, second, or third Sunday of the month to purchase the cards you want. Then you can pick up the cards the next month during the same weeks as of above.

Everyone goes to the grocery store. Help someone else while you shop!

Heifer Project
As the summer Heifer Fund project draws to a close on September 6, we are asking that children return their pledges and collections by that date to Judy Waltman or Linda Lewis.

Schreiber Pediatric 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race
On Sunday, September 13th, Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center will be hosting the 27th Annual Rubber Duckie Race at Lancaster County Central Park to benefit children with disabilities. The Festival runs from 2 p.m.—6 p.m., with the Duck Race beginning at 5 p.m.  There are many festival games, arts and crafts, and activities for children of all ages. Food trucks will also be there. Lisa Christoffel, a Schreiber employee, will be selling ducks between services. They are also available for purchase at Schreiber Pediatric Rehab Center (625 Community Way). Those interested in volunteering or selling duck tickets can contact Marie Johnston at (717) 393-0425 x 129 or at mjohnston@schreiberpediatric.org.

Duck tickets costs are: $5 for a single duck, three for $10, seven for $25, 12 for $50, and 25 for $100.  Prizes will be awarded for winning ducks. Thanks so much for supporting this great organization that serves over 2,000 children per year.

