Week of August 9, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Janet Derr, Joanne Shenberger

Did you complete your Adult Ed Survey Yet?
The Education Commission wants to hear from every adult in the congregation on what topics you’d like to see covered during the 2015-2016 school year. Please help us help you by submitting your completed survey ASAP. You can either fill out the insert in the bulletin (then place it in the offering plate or return to the church office), or complete the survey online at www.apostlesucc.org. We look forward to your feedback!

Isaac’s/COA LCCC Food Hub Fundraiser
This Wednesday, August 12, Isaac’s Famous Grilled Sandwiches (Downtown Lancaster) will be holding a “Community Night” to benefit Church of the Apostles: Food Hub Fundraiser. Enjoy an evening out with your family and friends while supporting our Lancaster County Council of Churches Food Hub! Twenty-five percent (25%) of the cost of your meal will go directly to our goal of $10,000. Thanks for your support, and we hope to see you there! Please take a flyer with you; flyers can be found on our website at www.apostlesucc.org.

Heifer Project Bake Sale Update
Many thanks to all of the children, youth, and adults who baked, sold, and purchased the goodies on Sunday for the Heifer Fund Bake Sale. As a result of the sale and donations from Sunday, we raised $322!  We are well on our way to purchase a heifer ($500) and/or water buffaloes ($250 each)! The children will decide which animal(s) to purchase based on the amount of money that we have by August 30. Many thanks also to those of you who have sent in monetary donations for this worthy cause.  We welcome any and all donations; you may put a check in the offering plate with “Heifer Project” in the memo section. Thank you so much!

Very Casual Sunday – August 16
As we prepare for next Sunday with its informal style and expanded fellowship time, we also would like to hear what hymns or songs you would like, as we want to sing your favorites. An insert has been included in your bulletin for your use in providing us with your preferences. For our fellowship time, there will be tables set in the narthex with a host and treat at each. We hope you will plan to sit down and get to know people you don’t recognize. We also ask you to wear your name tag to help others “put a face to a name.” At the sermon time, I will also invite you to share discerned thoughts about how we might further our mission to “feed the hungry.”

Bethany’s 152nd Anniversary
Join Bethany Children’s Home (1863 Bethany Road, Womelsdorf, PA 19567) in celebrating their 152nd anniversary on Friday, August 14 from 11 a.m.—9:30 p.m. A $10 children’s armband will cover all games and activities, including a game truck, photo booth, crafts, games, and a firework show. Music will be provided by live bands. For more information, please contact Bethany Children’s Home at (610) 589-4501.

Book Club
The Book Club will meet on Tuesday, August 11 at 2 p.m. in the library to discuss Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee. Please contact Clara Kosmela at (717) 569-9960 if you have any questions.

