Week of July 26, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Leroy and Beverly Hoffman

Heifer Project Bake Sale
The children and youth of the church will be sponsoring a bake sale between services on August 2nd to support their efforts in earning money for the Heifer Project. Please consider donating baked goods to this worthwhile project. You may drop off your delicacies by 10:15 a.m. on August 2nd at the bake sale table in the Narthex. Thanks so much for donating your time and talents to help the children purchase an animal to send to a family who needs it!

Bake Sale for Mystery Youth Trip
Don’t forget! A bake sale is being held today in the Narthex to help sponsor the Youth Mystery Trip on July 30. Thank you to everyone who donated baked goods, and thank you for helping our youth!

Calling All Adults: We Want to Hear from YOU!
The Education Commission is planning to revamp its adult education offerings starting this fall, and we are seeking feedback from ALL adults in the congregation on what YOU would like to see offered. Beginning this Sunday and continuing through Sunday,August 16, you’ll find an insert each week in the Sunday bulletin. Please take a few minutes to complete the survey; you can place your completed insert in the offering plate, drop it off at the church office, or – if you’d prefer – complete the survey online at www.apostlesucc.org. We value your feedback!

 Casual Sunday
On August 16, we will worship and fellowship together for a Very Casual Sunday. Our youth will be coming up from their sleepover in Rader Park in their newly made t-shirts, and you are invited to wear your favorite t-shirt (hopefully your new 40th anniversary COA t-shirt). Each service will be shortened that day to allow extra time for fellowship between the services. We hope you can join us!

Widower’s Support Group
The Widower’s Support Group will meet this Tuesday, July 28th in the parlor at 9 a.m. with Pastor Kuhn. This group gives widowers an opportunity for sharing the challenges and coping strategies of life without a wife. Snacks and refreshments will be provided. Please call the church office to let us know if you’re interested in attending.

Save the Date! Lancaster British Brass Band
The Lancaster British Brass Band, now in their 11th year of existence, will be performing at Church of the Apostles on Thursday, August 6 at 7:00 p.m. Known as an extremely popular musical ensemble within the Central Pennsylvania Region, the group consists of a fixed 28-piece instrumentation that is often said to sound like a “magnificent pipe organ.”

The repertoire for this concert will include: Symphonic Highlights from “Frozen,” arranged by Stephen Bulla, Hometown Miniatures by Drew Fennell, With Clouds Descending by Philip Sparke, and the featured composition for the evening, Windows of the World by Peter Graham. “Windows of the World” was commissioned by The Yorkshire Building Society (YBS) Band. Peter Graham will take the audience first to Latin America, then to Japan and onwards to Saharan Africa. We get a gentle reprieve via a nostalgic hint of the British Isles before we land in the melting pot of all styles, the USA. In this final section, the driving swing section is abruptly stopped and a drum cadenza leads us back into the opening Latin music.

There is no cost for the concert, however, there will be a free-will offering taken during intermission. Reserved seating is not available, so please arrive early to secure your seat. You can find more details about the Lancaster British Brass Band at www.LancasterBBB.org.

