Week of July 5, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags. Packers: Kay Custer, Doris Liepa, Lois Schousen

Heifer Project
This summer, the Sunday School children are living the mission of our church to “Feed the Hungry” by focusing on the Heifer Project through a curriculum called “Animal Crackers.”  Each week, they learn about a different animal that can be sponsored through the program. The Heifer Project provides animals to people both in the United States and all over the world. While the animals provide milk, eggs, wool, etc. to the recipient, the offspring of these animals are donated to neighbors so that they can also lift themselves out of poverty.

The children have been encouraged to raise money so that at the end of the summer, they can combine their earnings to buy an animal such as a flock of ducks ($20), a sheep ($120), or a cow ($500). Some have chosen to take part in the “Read to Feed” project, where they collect pledges to read a certain number of books this summer. Please be generous if a child asks you to sponsor him/her for the Heifer Project!  Donations may be given to support the children’s efforts by writing a check to COA with “Heifer Project” in the memo section. Flyers describing the Heifer Project are available on the table at the bottom of the stairs to the sound room. Thanks!

Blood Drive
There will be a blood drive tomorrow, July 6 from 1:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m. in the Trinity Reformed UCC Fellowship Hall (450 West Main St., Mountville, PA 17554). If you would like to donate call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit redcrossblood.org. Drinks and snacks will be provided to those who donate.

Summer Concert Series
Bethany Children’s Home Summer Concert Series begins Friday night at 7 p.m. on July 10 and will be held every Friday through August 14. Admission is free; donations will be accepted to benefit Bethany’s mission. Concessions will be available. Please take a blanket or chair for seating. Bethany Children’s Home Anniversary Stage is located at 1863 Bethany Road, Womelsdorf, PA 19567. Please visit www.bethanyhome.org for more information.

Homestead Village Auxiliary Bake Sale
The Homestead Village Auxiliary is again sponsoring a bake sale on Homestead Day, Saturday, September 19. The bake sale will be held in the Café along with a coffee bar. Donations to the bake sale are being accepted in the form of cookies, cupcakes, candy, cakes, and pies. Child-friendly baked goods would also be appreciated. Please pack cookies and candy in plastic bags or in plastic wrap—six cookies to a bag, and please pack candy by weight. Cakes and pies may be sliced to sell by the piece as the day goes on. Prices set by the committee are designed so that the baked goods are affordable for everyone attending Homestead Day festivities.

Baked goods will be accepted in the chapel on Friday, September 18, from 1 p.m.—5 p.m. only.

Cash donations are also appreciated, and can be sent to: Homestead Village Auxiliary, 1800 Marietta Avenue, Lancaster, PA 17603. Please indicate that the donation is for the bake sale on the memo line of the check.

