Week of June 21, 2015

Food Bank
Beans, rice, canned vegetables, Hamburger Helper meal mixes, potatoes, canned meals, soup, grocery bags.
Packers: Janet Derr and Judy Jarvis

Opportunity for Handbell Choirs
The 10th anniversary of the Lancaster-Lebanon Handbell Festival will take place in our church on Saturday, March 12, 2016. Several bell choirs will ring during this special anniversary event, including a special appearance by Bell Amis who will perform “The Shepherd’s Dream” composed by the festival clinician Alan Reese. Alan Reese is musical director of Virginia Handbell Consort, a clinician and massed conductor at local and Area 2 and 3 events and is Associate Conductor for Distinctly Bronze in 2015. He is also a member of the faculty for the Department of Visual and Performing Arts/Division of Music at Norfolk State University. The public concert portion of this festival will take place at

3 p.m. and a good will offering will be received. For more information about participating in the festival or attending the concert, please contact Jeff Clouser, Festival Coordinator, at memorial-bells-of-grace@comcast.net. Registration deadline for festival participants is June 30th, 2015.

Lay Readers Needed
Would you like to “Share Christ’s love…” by being part of the worship service? There is a need for lay readers for the first and second services. If you are interested, please call Sandy Weidel at 717-413-2142.

Mission Trip
Bethany UCC, Ephrata, is planning a mission trip to the Back Bay Mission in Biloxi, Mississippi on November 7-14, 2015. The group will be rehabilitating houses and working in other ministries helping the poor and homeless. (A day trip to New Orleans is also planned!) There are several openings for anyone who would like to join. Please call Bill LaSalle at 717-733-9608 for more information.

Would You Like to Host a High School Student?
SHARE! Northeast is looking for volunteer host families for foreign students who would like to learn first-hand about the American Way of Life. Students arrive in August to spend a semester or academic year studying at local high schools. For more information, please contact your area coordinator Sherri Hershberger at 717-203-0325. You may also call the SHARE! Northeast Regional Office toll-free at 1-866-900-3738.

Apostles Softball
Baseball schedules are available at the Welcome Center—in just the right size for your refrigerator. Come to have fun and support our team!

