Week of November 15, 2015

Food Bank
Specifically—cereal, Macaroni & Cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Education Survey
Calling all procrastinators! This is the last Sunday you’ll see that colored insert from the Education Commission in your bulletin. If you’ve been meaning to fill it out, but haven’t had a chance yet, now’s the time! Our children’s ministries and outreach programs are strong because of people like YOU. They run on the combined efforts of church members who give just a few hours of their time; please join us! You can place your completed inserts in today’s offering plate, or return them to the church office. The Education Commission thanks you for giving back to these vital programs that COA offers to our children, youth, and the larger community.

Food Hub Fundraiser
Come out to Iron Hill Brewery and Restaurant at any time on November 17th to enjoy great food and to support a good cause! As long as you bring a coupon, which is available on our website or at the Welcome Center, 20% of your check will go toward our Food Hub Fundraiser. We hope to see you there!

Advent Workshop
Join us for crafts, food, and fellowship on Sunday, November 29 from 10:30 am to 1 pm in the Fellowship Hall. Suggested donations include: 1 dozen cupcakes (to decorate for the Crispus Attucks dinner) and hats or gloves for Crispus Attucks.

Children’s Ministry Team
The next Children’s Ministry meeting will be held on Sunday, December 6 at 10:30 am in Room 303.  Anyone interested in the Children’s ministry is welcome.

Grocery Gift Cards
Have you considered giving a grocery card as a Christmas gift, or as a gift to the Assistance Fund? If so, you can sign up in the office after church. You can choose the grocery store (Stauffers, Weis, or Giant) and the amount (different stores offer different amounts.) These stores give churches a discount so that we can help people in need. Bring a check and the cards will be ready for you on the first Sunday in December.

Annual Congregational Meeting
Our annual Congregational Meeting will be held next Sunday, November 22, at 10:15 am (between both services.) Our discussion will include: approval of the general operating budget for 2016, 2016 Church Council and Spiritual Council nominees, and a report from the Ministry Planning Committee. Please make every effort to attend this important meeting. Your participation helps formulate the future of Church of the Apostles.

Associate Pastor
Next Sunday, November 22nd will be Rev. Heather Giffen’s first Sunday with us. Please come and welcome her to her new church home.

New Beginnings
Come join us for a long-time Christmas tradition and carol singing. A “Christmas Banquet” will be held on Friday, December 11th at 12 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. The cost is $20 per person. Please make checks out to COA and write “Christmas Banquet” in the memo portion. Checks must be given to Bill Higgs or placed in the “New Beginnings” mailbox in the church office by December 6th. Transportation for Homestead attendees will be provided by the Homestead van. If transportation is needed, please indicate so with your check.

