Youth Fundraising – Date Night with Your Special Valentine

Here is your chance to have a Valentine’s Day getaway with your special someone without the kids. When:      Saturday, February 13, 2016 Where:     Church of the Apostles Fellowship Hall

New Beginnings

New Beginnings Would you like to shake off the winter blues? Join us for a Bingo and Dessert Social on Thursday, February 11. We will meet in the Fellowship

Ash Wednesday Worship

February 10 at 7 pm in the Sanctuary We will acknowledge our mortality and how we continue to fail in our attempts to live as Christ did. With this

Week of January 31, 2016

Food Bank Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup. Ecclesiastical Council for Rev. Dave Longenecker Today at 3 pm in our Sanctuary, the Lancaster