Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat Apostles Assistance Fund
Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat Apostles Assistance Fund
Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat Apostles Assistance Fund
Parish Life will be hosting an acrylic painting event on Sunday, February 25 from 2-4 pm in rooms 308-310. The cost is $25 per person; all supplies are provided.
Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: tuna, fruit, soups, and canned meat Apostles Assistance Fund