Bible Study

On Wednesdays throughout September, Rev. Kathryn Kuhn will be offering a Bible study on the gospels with the help of our new seminary intern, Dan Dorsey. We will study

Harvest Home Sunday

Each year, we celebrate God’s autumn bounty by giving a portion of it to those who are less fortunate. We ask each member of our church family to bring

Choir Retreat

A Choir Retreat will be held on Saturday, September 1 at the McKonly homestead from 9:00 am to noon. Our morning of rehearsing anthems for the fall season will

Widows Support Group

On Wednesday, August 29 at 9:30 am, the Widows Group will meet to discuss the life changes that follow the loss of a spouse. Recognizing that everyone’s journey is

Women’s Luncheon: Let’s Talk Faith, Family, and Work

Women’s Luncheon: Let’s Talk Faith, Family, and Work Church of the Apostles and the Lancaster Interfaith Coalition are hosting a women’s interfaith luncheon on Sunday, August 26 from 1-3


Week of August 12, 2018 Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned

Church Family Picnic

Join us for our last Church Family Picnic Night of the summer on Wednesday, August 15 at 5:15 pm. All are welcome to join us for a family-style picnic!

Week of August 5, 2018

Food Bank Needs: cold cereal, potatoes (dry or canned), rice, pasta, spaghetti sauce, peanut butter, mac ‘n cheese, tuna or hamburger helpers, cookies, canned items including: beans, tuna, fruit,

Join Our Book Club!

We are happy to have new people join us (even if you haven’t read the book)! Join us for great discussions and books from every genre. Please join us