This workshop is designed for church pastors, leadership teams, key volunteers and congregants who are interested in the future of the church. It will be structured as mostly presentation
Melissa Koehler from Hillcrest Pharmacy will be giving flu and covid shots at COA on Sunday, October 2nd between services in the West Wing Lobby. Please call the office
“Vital Vintage Church” is a book of hope for mainline churches. Its author, the Rev. Michael Piazza, is one who worships every Sunday and has led several churches from
If you are interested in exploring membership with Church of the Apostles, join Pastor Kuhn for either the 10-11AM or 12-1PM session in Rm 304, for four meetings on
On Sunday, September 18 The Jazz Ministers Big Band will be performing a concert in the sanctuary of Church of the Apostles UCC, at 1850 Marietta Ave. Lancaster, at
On October 4th our 2022 Heritage & Horizons program will begin at Church of the Apostles. This year we are offering two sessions (9:30 – 10:30AM & 10:50 -11:50AM)