Category: Sermons

Sit Up & Take Notice

This is one of those days that I think everybody really likes. It’s Palm Sunday. This is the celebration. This is a high point of the church year. Jesus

Drawn to Christ

Today is a very unique day because it’s St. Patrick’s Day and Sunday. As I was putting this sermon together, I also heard a short lecture by a very

Saved By Love

If you came today for a feel good sermon, you picked the wrong day. If you came hoping that there would be a lot of images, because I usually

What Are We Doing Here?

As I was preparing this sermon, this question came up. What are we doing here? What are we doing here? What are we doing here? What are we doing

Taking Faith Seriously

Today we have this verse, “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves, take up their cross and follow Me.” We have to sit with, What

A New Time

Today starts A New Time. In the church year, it’s the season of Lent, which the church has often made a time of giving up, encouraging us to, to