Volunteer at COA

“Feed my lambs…Tend my sheep…Feed my sheep.”

John 21:15-17

Feeling Called to Join a Volunteer Team? Click Here to Read our Congregation’s Volunteer Policy

  • In order to participate in COA’s Children and Youth Ministry, all adult volunteers must be registered with the church office, in compliance with Pennsylvania laws and our church’s policies.
  • Before being considered for an adult volunteer position at COA and beginning the registration process, we expect that those who volunteer to work with minors will have been members in good standing of Church of the Apostles for at least six months.
  • Once registered with the church office, all adult volunteers who work with children and youth will be required to maintain current registration paperwork and clearances as required by state laws and church policies, for as long as they continue to volunteer with children and youth.
  • It is the policy of this church to provide adequate supervision and safeguards for youth activities. As such, there will be no fewer than two unrelated registered adult volunteers present in any activity involving minors.

Click Here to View our Necessary Clearances & Forms!

Already a Church of the Apostles UCC Volunteer who works with Youth? Click Here to Learn more about your duties as a mandated reporter under PA State Law.

  • Keep Kids Safe PA is where you’ll always find the most up-to-date information on current Pennsylvania state laws regarding child abuse, from definitions of terms like “child abuse” and “mandated reporter,” to links to the text of relevant statutes and answers to frequently asked questions.
  •  Click here to access Education Information on PA’s child abuse laws, prepared by the UCC Office of Legal Counsel. (COA requires that all volunteers read this information before working with youth, and review it every three years.)
  • Want to know more about filing a report? This document explains how to do so, in accordance with state laws and COA policy.
  • You can file a report of suspected child abuse to ChildLine online at www.compass.state.pa.us/cwis, or by phoning ChildLine at 1-800-932-0313 and then completing and submitting Form CY-47 to the county Child and Youth Services office.
  • After you’ve filed a report with ChildLine, COA policy and PA state law require that you report the suspected abuse to a member of the COA Pastoral Staff or to the COA Coordinator for Volunteer Services immediately (as soon as possible, but no more than 72 hours after filing a report with ChildLine).

Looking to Volunteer with one of our Sunday Morning Teams?

  • Greeter Team: Our greeters are often the first faces our guests see, providing a friendly smile and helpful guidance to anyone new to our community. To join this team contact Helen Ebersole or Nancy Steger (for their contact information call the office).
  • Usher Team: Every Sunday, our ushers are there with a smile, handing out bulletins, assisting with seating, and ensuring our sanctuary is spotless before and after services. To join an Usher team please contact Bernie Fickes at bernicefickes4@gmail.com.
  • Lay Readers: Our Lay Readers play a crucial role in our services by reading scripture and leading parts of worship. This opportunity allows members of all ages to actively participate and share their voice during worship. To volunteer as a lay reader contact Betty Reiff or Glenn Ebersole (for their contact information call the office).
  • AV Team: From ensuring our microphones are crystal clear to flawlessly streaming our services online, these dedicated volunteers play a crucial role in making our worship experiences seamless and enjoyable for everyone. To volunteer contact Bill Stock at stockb50@gmail.com.
  • Hospitality Table: Our hospitality table volunteers keep the conversation flowing with light snacks and refreshments after worship, making our church not just a place to visit, but a place to connect and belong. To volunteer contact the office for available dates.
  • Communion Servers: Our communion servers assist on the first Sunday of each month and during special holidays when we serve communion. To volunteer contact the office.