Food Bank
Needs: Specifically—cereal, macaroni & cheese, fruit, pasta, crackers, peanut butter, and soup.

Market Basket
Don’t forget to pick up your grocery card order and order for next month. Grocery cards are available from Giant, Stauffers, and Weis. Our discount helps feed the homeless downtown.

Sanctuary Flowers
Forms for sponsoring flowers for the sanctuary can now be found at the Welcome Center. Once you complete a form, please either place it in the offering plate or take it to the church office. We appreciate all those who sponsor our beautiful flowers for Sunday worship!

ALL members of the congregation are invited to come to the church campout in Rader Park from Saturday, August 13—Sunday, August 14. Activities will include:

  • 1-5 pm: Activities (fishing, tie dye, stream games, etc.)
  • 5 pm: Dinner at the Pavilion—ALL are welcome to attend. Please RSVP by signing up at the Welcome Center or emailing Michelle in the church office at by Monday, August 8. We ask that you bring a side to share. Hamburgers and hot dogs with buns, drinks, utensils, plates, napkins, and dessert will be provided. Please also let us know if you have any dietary needs in your RSVP.
  • 6:30 pm: Vespers led by Pastor Heather (Please bring folding chairs.)
  • 8:30 pm: Movie Preview—Andy Smith and his Sunday School class have created a movie over the summer!
  • 9 pm: Campfire and Smores
  • 8 am on Sunday, August 14: Breakfast at the Youth Center

We hope to see you there!

Wacky Wednesdays
There is still time to attend Wacky Wednesday, a summer reading program for kids preschool age through third grade. The program will continue to be held on Wednesdays through August 3rd. Children will meet in Rader Park from 10 am -11:15 am to enjoy a story, an activity, and a snack. This year, the theme is “How Does Your Garden Grow?” Pre-registration is not required, however, we do request caregivers attend with the children. Please call (717) 392-5718 for more information.

Church Flower Beds
Help is needed to maintain the growing areas around our church building to ensure that we continue to look alive and growing as a congregation. Please contact Marty Holmes with your interest in caring for one of the areas.

